The PFA manages and invests the pension funds while the PFC keeps the pension funds and assets in safe custody and carries out transactions on behalf of the PFA.
An applicant PFA must have a minimum paid up share capital of N150,000,000 while an applicant PFC must have a minimum paid up capital of N2,000,000,000 and shall be a […]
An employee or contributor has the freedom to move his account, once a year, from one PFA to another without giving any reason(s).
The PFA will charge fees for the services being rendered on the RSA subject to such guidelines as may be issued by the National Pension Commission from time to time.
In order to ensure the safety of pension funds and to avoid mixing pension business and other businesses, it is desirable that the operators deal with pension funds only. This […]
The total contributions will be paid out by the employer directly to a Pension Fund Custodian and will be managed and invested by the Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) of the […]
A Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) is a company licensed by the National Pension Commission to manage and invest the pension funds in the employee’s Retirement Savings Account (RSA).
The National Pension Commission will publish a list of all licensed PFAs and make it available to the public.
The Pension Fund Administrator cannot collect or spend the pension money in the RSA.
Any employer managing its existing pension scheme before the enactment of the Pension Reform Act 2004 may apply to the National Pension Commission to be licenced as a Closed Pension […]
Any employer having existing pension fund assets worth N500,000,000 or more who also meets the requirements of the Pension Reform Act 2004may apply to the National Pension Commission for a […]
Any employer with existing scheme of less that N500,000,000 can still maintain the scheme but the scheme will have to be administered by a PFA separate from the organisation.
Every employee may decide to join the contributory pension scheme or move his RSA from a closed PFA to a PFA of his choice subject to such rules and regulations […]
In accordance with the provisions of the Pension Reform Act 2004, only an employer with a pension scheme existing before the commencement of the Act can apply to be licensed […]